We as a charity and our supporters truly believe our services can change and transform multiple lives for the better and help achieve the relief of homelessness and rough sleeping within our city.

Our work offers an insight to what the potential service users need from a service that is completely beneficial, our in-depth work with service users, statutory services and with other organisations highlight the areas with gaps and that the services we provide bridges those gaps and offers a platform of empowerment and into other existing services, encouraging eventual independence. We aim to work closely with other charities and organisations, to not duplicate or replicate but to complement.

We have the ability to tailor all our services to the individual needs of the service users, each service user will have an individual lead case worker though is encouraged to develop a relationship with the whole team, we take a link working team approach ensuring the best possible person with the correct expertise and knowledge is tasked to undertake any actions along the way supporting the service user from start to finish, the door will always be left ajar to pick up any support that is required as the individual begins to make changes to their life and settle down, including that of registering for GP services, dentists and even setting up utility bills, a 360 degree coverage of support.

We have also developed a detailed volunteer induction programme to involve those with personal experience, passion, knowledge and interest, life experience is valued and gives an opportunity for those who have come through our service to “give back” and gain valuable experience.

We strive to provide what does not already exist or to increase the availability of services that are stretched, we also access other services using other outside professionals to enhance the lives of our service users, such as, short term counselling, podiatry, self-care (barbers/hairdressers), other forms of therapy to increase self-worth and self-value and anything else identified as an immediate, great need to achieve all as outlined.

Our services allow for the flexibility required to manage crisis’ and we plan for crisis management. HTH strives to provide a psychologically informed environment. The complex traumas people have often experienced, and how they may be expressed, can make accessing and staying engaged with services especially difficult. In spite of the complexity of the problems people face, services such as ours that adopt a psychologically informed approach can enable people to move on and thrive in life. Psychologically informed environments (PIEs) are services where the day-to-day running has been designed to take the psychological and emotional needs of people with these experiences into account. The approach has been developed in recognition of how crucial it is that services do all they can to create environments that aid and do not hinder in people's recovery, understanding what they may have experienced and how this could impact how they relate to services.

Those We Can Support:-

* Homeless/Ex-homeless including those in temporary or emergency accommodation
*Those at risk of homelessness
*Diagnosed mental health condition
*Physically Disabled
*Prison Leavers – with an existing probation worker
*Those in substance use recovery / active substance use
*Unemployed/financial hardship
*Those fleeing domestic abuse
*Care Leavers
*Those with a history of poor engagement

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Help The Homeless Objectives:-

For the public benefit, the relief and assistance of people in need in Leicester and surrounding areas who are homeless, facing homelessness or rough sleeping by all or any of the following means:

• Supplying material aid and nutrition (e.g. the Wednesday meal, to our newly housed service users, rough sleepers, etc. Free to anyone in need and includes the provision of food, clothing, footwear, sleeping bags, tents, etc from donations in our storage facility.)

• Providing advocacy and accurate signposting to other relevant services (e.g. accompanying service users to appointments if they feel nervous or overwhelmed, speaking on their behalf if requested, particularly in cases where official help has been limited or denied.)

• Assisting and supporting access to housing and employment (including helping with benefit claims, form filling, obtaining deposits for accommodation, and drawing on our local contacts to find housing and/or jobs for service users who wish to take up these opportunities.)

• Providing short term emergency private accommodation where appropriate for rough sleepers in extreme conditions (whether the emergency is general, such as a sudden drop in temperature, or personal, such as ill health.)

• Giving ongoing support where appropriate to service users after accommodation has been secured (as we are aware that an individual’s difficulties very rarely disappear when they find accommodation – rough sleeping is frequently only one aspect of a person’s complex problems.)

• Promoting cultural enrichment (such as the free loan of books from our mobile library.)

• Empowering through the development of self-esteem and the provision of appropriate information (as we pay particular attention to morale, because depression is very common amongst people experiencing homelessness.)

• Encouraging independent living through trusted relationships (because our aim is to be present in our service users’ lives for as long as they need us, but always working towards the day when they no longer require our help because they have established independent and fulfilling lives.)